Oh Calgary...
My newest native land
True patriot roadrage
On all thy roads unplanned...

from camping grounds
we see all bugs
from true north, strong, and free

from far and wide
oh Calgary
we stand on guard for bees
Dave keep our land...

[okay I'm sick of thinking of cute lyrics here are the rest of the pictures...]

We'll start with camping, notice the red Grand Am in the back ground, first...
If you've never met me... I'm Travis RunsWithDogs (it will make sense when you see the picture)

OH DEER!!!! !!!! !!!!


Me as a Stampede "SUPERHOST" winner, and as a teacher with my Team Teacher colleague Cherie Anne:

AND FINALLY... Me, my friends, and I

Until the next picture page... I'm Travis John Robertson... hope to see you soon.  ; )